Lincolnshire County Cricket League and Grimsby and District Cricket League Guide 1969

CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY WINNERS 1968 LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET LEAGUE Trophy Wilson Cup LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP Winner Cleethorpes 77 points INDIVIDUAL TROPHIES Batting 80.10% G. R. Smith Cup H. Pougher Lincoln Bucyrus Average 59.67 Bowling A. W. Butt Cup A. Stamp Grimsby Town, Average 8.55 w;cket-Keep'ng Arthur Cripps Cup M . Hodson Grimsby Town 31 wickets Outstand:ng Player (under 21 yeurs c!d) H. W. Ba'e Cup Clive Dixon Lincoln Bucyrus GRIMSBY AND DISTRICT CRICKET LEAGUE Di1is;on Trophy Club Points 1 Teleg raph Vase Scatter 80 Brocklesby Cup Ross Group 53 (runners-up) 2 Ross Cup Corinthians 65 Dixon Cup North Thoresby 49 (runners-up) 3 Grimsby News Cup Wultham 64 4 Victory Cup Fish M eal 58 Mid-week 1 Curry Cup Pape1· Mills 22 2 Abraham Cup B R.S.A . Imm. 31 3 Moss Shield Dunlop Sports 23 4 Barrett Cup Courtaulds Engrs. 19 GRIMSBY AND DISTRICT CRICKET LEAGUE AWARDS FOR INDIVIDUAL TROPHIES, SEASON 1968 BATTING (Minimum 10 innings, 200 runs) Division Trophy Winner 1st Falconer Cup M. Brown 2nd1 Wilson Cup I. McDonald 3rd DuckeTing Cup R. Chappel 4th Harrison Cup M . Hill Mid-Week Baker Cup D. Beilby Mid-Week 2 Crampin Cup R. Fenner Mid•-Week 3' Would Cup A. McDougal Mid-Week 4 Bob Walker CupC. Williams BOWLING (Minimum 30 Wickets) 1st. Curry Cup G. Hausam 2nd Cockram Cup S. Braithwaite 3rd Birkett Cup T. Deleney 4th Abraham Cup S. Griffiths Mid-Week Hooton Cup I. McDonald Mid-Week 2 Fish Cup S. Braithwaite Mid-Week 3 Gower Cup B. Perrin Mid-Week 4 Ingham Cup A . Douglas 17 C!ub Scatter Corinthians Nettleton Mines Fish Meal Paper Mills Electricity Sports Grimsby Ramb lers Courtaulds Engrs. Scotter Bentley St. James Wa ltham Fish M eal Corinthians B·entley St. James Dunlop Sports E.M.G.B. (Kill} Average 34.40 33.50 46.66 28.5.0 53.30 32.00 20.72 50.10 5.20 5.85 5.25 4.00 7.45 7.78 5.61 5.94