Lincolnshire County Cricket League and Grimsby and District Cricket League Guide 1969

MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN Grimsby and District Cricket League The spo rt of cricket is enjoying a boom in this area at the present time. Grimsby and District C·ricket Leag ue has four Saturday Leagues, comprising of thirty four teams, and four midweek leagues, with a further t hirty three teams competing. Approximately two thousand six hundred players are registered each season and enjoy facilities provided on either private, ind•ustrial or corporation grounds. The formation of the Lincolnshire County Cricket League in 1-963 was sponsored by the Grimsby and District Cricket League. At the moment sixteen teams play in this league, but a second d'ivision is planned for next season when a furth er eighteen teams will compete. All of the teams in this league play on private grounds. Closer con,tact with the local authority and with larger industrial units can bring benefits to existing clubs and thus bringing goodwill to the League. We have establis hed a ladder of promotion so that, on merit, a team from the lowest League can see a way ahead to the First Division . Wit h this in mind we have askEJd the Corporation for better wickets next season and two clubs, Corinthians and, Cromwell, 'will play their Saturday Division 1 matches on Barrett's. This will be the first time in 46 years that cricket at this level will have been, played on Barrett's . First Division cricket will no longer be a "closed shop" and Second Division teams will have added incentive to win the champion – ship . A w ell organised large sca le event can make an impact on the public and bring added support, thus strengthening the League. W e plan, th erefore, to suport the idea of the South Humberside Sports Advisory Council who are hold1ing a series of "Sport of the Month" exhibitions at the new Central Library. W e have been given the period 9th to 21st March, 1970. I hope every club in the League will support this exhibition by displaying at least one item of cricketana. We shall ask for the earlier return of trophies so that they can be eng raved and exhibited up to the time of the annual dinner. · Although finance should not be the primary object of the League it is not to be discounted and I hope all club treasurers ensure that leag ue fees are paid prior to the opening of the ·new season. WILLIAM BACON F.S,V.A., F,C.1.A., F.,R,S.H, Estate Agent, Surveyor, Valuer and Auctioneer Offices Branch Office: 30 St. Peter' s Avenue, Cleethorpes Tel.: 62186 Estates Managed and Rents Collected Property Bought and Sold Valu ations for Probate Business Transfer Agent Inventori es Made 33 HAINTON AVENUE, GRIMSBY Telephone 2790 19