Lincolnshire County Cricket League and Grimsby and District Cricket League Guide 1969

The annual general meetir.g brought with it the retirement of Mr. E. R. Frisby (Chairman) and Mr. R. Walker (Vice-Cha irman) . Both of these officials had served th e League for more years than they wou ·d like to remember. Through ha_rd work and unselfish devotion to duty they have seen the game prosper. No words of mine would be adequate to express our thanks to these two gentlemen, so I will simply sc1y "thank you" for all they have done for cricket and trust that they will grace our cricket functions on many future occasions. As your chnirman I look forward to the challenge ahead and will do my best to foster the right relationships wherever cricket is played. With the support of two new vice-chairmen, John Morton and Colin Stamp, that should not be too difficult. In case further guidance is re : u'red we still have Messrs . Frisby and Walker in their new roles of L;fe Honorary Vice-Presidents. In conclusion I wou'd commend to you the flour'shir.g L'ncoln shire Cricket Lovers ' Society which performs a most important task in keeping cricket enthusiasts tog ether during the winter months. Regular me--:t'ng3 with lectures, film shows and talks by lead ing personalities of the gam3 play an important part in b 0 idging the long mont hs b3tween seasons and· brin9ing together enthusiasts from all parts of Lincolnsh:re socially, which can de cricket nothing but good. COLIN KENNEDY. Chairm:rn . MR . GEORGE MARSI-IALL It was _with great sorrow that we heard of the d'cath of the Hon. Secretary of the Grimsby and District Cricket League. Followi r'.g a rceriod of indifferent health, borne with typical courage and humour, Mr. Georqe Marshall died in, Springfield Hospital on Tuesday, 25th February, 1S69. Mr: Marshall would have been 72 in April and he leaves a widow nr.d a son, David. .. Few men have devoted more time to the administration of cricket in Grimsby and in the county than Mr. Marshall, who has been closely associated with the game for nearly 50 years. He was appointed Treasurer of th e League in Novemb 3r, 1926 and eventually Secretary in December, 1949. He took on additional respon– sibility when becoming Secretary of the Lincolnshire League on its formation, six years ago. The officials of the League decided to make a p resentation of a cheque to his widow on the occasion of the Annual Dinner and Presentn– tion of Trophies at the " Win;ter Gardens", C 1 eethorpes on Thursday, 27th March. David will be invited to attend and wiil receive the cheque for his mother. By helping his wrdow we think this is the best practical way of showing our love and affection for George Marshall. The officials of the Lincolnshire County Cricket League will ensure that his name is perpetuated in the future if their plans for a Sunday Knock-Out competition are approved by the clubs. Every cricketing body in North Lincolnshire was represented at his funeral at St. M artin's Church·, Grimsby, followed by cremation on Monday, 3rd March, 1969, at 3 p .m . 20