Lincolnshire County Cricket League and Grimsby and District Cricket League Guide 1969

MR. JACI< SWAIN Mr. Jack Swa in a former profess ional footba ller with Grimsby Town in pre-war days, is the new secretary of the Grimsby and District Cricket League. He was appointed at a meeting when representatives of 67 t eams unan imously elected him as successor to the late Mr. G. .Marshall. Mr. Swain was a football League referee for a number of yea rs in the 1950's. He was also a w ell-known cricketer with Grims-by Town . For five years he contributed to the Saturday Telegraph as writer of the Referees' Notebook and currently writes on Lincolnshire League and Grimsby League cricket. He is also one of the commentators at Grimsby Town 's games in the hospitals broadcast servic e. Mr. Swain lives at 44 Dugard Road, Cleethorpes, to which address club secretaries should subm it registration forms in duplicate. The fee of three guineas, for each team, should be forwarded to the treasurer. Mr. E. B·arron, 134 Yarborough Ro ad, Grimsby. LEAGUE OFFICIALS GRIMSBY AND DISTRICT CRICKET LEAGUE President: H. W. Wilson, Esq., J.P., Cleethorpes. Life Honorary Vice-Presidents: E. R. Frisby and .R . W alker (Grimsby) . Vice-Presidents: Coun . C. W. Edwards, H. A. Ingham, J. Winship and Mrs. H. W. Wilson (Cleethorpes); W. A. Appleyard, R. Bateson, N. Bettany, J. A. Butt, P. Cars'berg, R. J. Charlton, Tony Di xo n, R. J . Johnson, M.A., J.P., H. King, Edgar Lee, R. D. Lee, I. Madray, N. M . McVicker, C. E. Proctor, O.B.E., Carl Ross , S_. C. Smith, C. Stainsby, G. H. Vanson and J. Vincent (Grimsby); F. A. Would (Humberston); J. N. Birkett (Kirton Lindsey); R. Croft-Baker (Leeds) ; R. E. Cook (North Somercotes) , J . W . Hurdiss Wrawby). Chairman: Colin Kennedy, A.C.P., 26 Eastwood Avenue, Grimsby. Tel.: 79575 Vice-Chairmen: J. Morton, 15 Beacon Court, Grimsby. Tel.: 63278. C. Stamp, St. Francis Fords Avenue, Healing. Tel.: 88/2497. Hon. Auditor: G. S. Thompson. Hon. Treasurer: E. Barron, 134 Yarborough Ro ad, Grimsby. Tel.: 57538. Hon. Secreta ry : J. S. Swain, 44 Dugard .Road, Cleethorpes . Te l. : 56189. Hon. Assistant Secretary: E. Barron, 134 Yarborough Road, Grimsby. Tel. : 57538. Grounds Inspection Committee. P. Grey T. W. Johnson H. E. Pask Representatives to Umpires Association: C. Kennedy H. E. Pask G. S. Thomp so n· Handbook Sub-Committee: L. Hall C." Kennedy G. S. Thompson 21