Lincolnshire County Cricket League and Grimsby and District Cricket League Guide 1969

GRIMSBY AND DISTRICT CRICKET LEAGUE RULES AMENDED 6.12.68 1. r~AME . Th e League shall be known at the "Grimsby and District Crick et League ". 2. OFFICIALS . The Officers sha ll consist of a President, Chairman., Vice– Chairmen, Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Secretary. These sha ll be elected at the Annual General Meeting. 3. COMMITTEE. The Committee to transact the business of the League shall be the Officers and one repres entative from each Club const itu·dng the League. Six Club representatives to form a Quorum. 4. COMMITTEE MEETING. Th e Committee shall meet b:-monthly or at ar,y time as the business of the League may require . Seven days' notice of al l meetings shall be sent by post to all Officers and Club Secretaries. Consistent non-attendance at meetings without extenuating circum– stances by any Club shall render them liable to a fin e not exceeding 5/- per meeting, at the Committee's discretion. 5. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The Annual General Meeting sha ll be h3Id before the 31st December each year. The business shall be to elect Officers , Auditors, Ground Inspection Committee, to rece ive and consider a report and bnlance sheet, to consider proposed new rules, or amendments to existing rules and ar.,y other matter affecting the League of which due and proper notice has been given . ( See Rule 27). 6. MEMBERSH IP (n) Present Members. A Club desiring admission to the League must apply by the 31st October each year (a Club applying after th·s date shall be surcharged 10/6d.) and shall be considered pro– vided its ground, dressing accommodation and appoinitments are of satisfactory standard and have been certified to be so by the Grounds Inspection Committee, whos e d ec'sion must be placed before the Committee for confirmation. Any Club in membershi::i allowing its wicket or ground to deteriorate shall be subj ect to an inspection by the Grounds Inspection Committee which sha ll report to the Committee. In the event of an adverse report , the Committee sha ll warn such Club that, unless the necessary improvement is effected within a specified period , it wi ll not be allowed to cont inue in membership . (b) New Members. Any Club app lying for membership for the first time or after the lapsti of a season or more, shall submit applica– tion by the 31st October (a Club applying after this date shall be surcharged 10/6d.) in any year and' such application shall be considered by the League in General M eeting . The decision as to which Division of the League any newly elected Club shall join shall be decided by th e League in General Meeting. (c) Divisions. Division 1 to consist of a maximum of 12, only one team from any Club to compete in this Division,. All oth8r Divisions shall consist of a maximum of 10 teams. 7. VOTING . Officials of each Club shall have one vote only. The Chairman shall have a casting vote. 8. DEPOSITS and SUBSCRIPTIONS. Each Club shall pay a d '.)posit of 10/- on entering the League. An Annu;i l Subscriotion for P.a ch team to be fixed yearly at the Annual General Meeting to be paid by 31 st May 29