Lincolnshire County Cricket League and Grimsby and District Cricket League Guide 1969

each year. Clubs not comp lying to this rule wi ll be fined £1 1s Od. Club Secretaries will be expected to hold a Registration Form for each play,;r to substa ntiate Leag ue Registration Forms subm itted to th e League Sec– retary. In t he case of Clubs with both Saturday and Mid Week t :?ams, sepa rate forms would be requ ired fo r each team. In case this does r.ot meet the expenses of the League, each team shal l co ntribute ec.uall y towards such sum as may be required : Season 1969: £3 3s. Od. per team , incl uding handbooks . 9. ARRANGEMENTS OF FIXTURES. Fixtures to be arranged by t he League Officials . The fi xtures for eac h Division. to be comp leted and issued to each Club by 15th March . Any alteration to such fi xtu res must be made before 15th April and t he League Secretary notifi ed of the altera – t ion by all Clubs concerned , after w hich time fixtures must be stricfy adhered to. An y Club not fu lfill ing such fi xtures may be fined 10/6d . by the League Committee for t he first offence, and expenses incurred shall be reimbursed. For the seco nd- offence, t he Club is liable to be expe!led from th e Leag ue. 10. PLAYEAS. Clubs must register with the Hon. Secretary a list of p la.yir:ig members each year before t he commencement of the season. Any Club with teams in more than one Division shall be allowed to play its.members in either Division up to 8th July in each season. At this date, ·a p la,yer who has played in s'ix matches in a hig her Divi sion shall not play ·in ,- a,,iower Division without specia l perm ission of the Leag ue Officials. Additiona l registrations can, be effected until 8th July, after t his date formal app lication for furth er registrations will be consid·ered by the Leag ue Officials but wil l only be allowed in exte nuati ng circumstances. A ·_playe'r shall only be allowed to play for one Club in any Saturday Division 'and o ne Club in any Mid W eek Division in one season w it h the Club 's .$ecreta·ries and League Secreta ries perm ission of transference. ;·1;1'. - REGISTRATION. Members of Clubs are ineligible to play in any ·m[Jtch unless their names have been registered or transferred by the League Committee. Any Club p laying an unregistered player shall be fined from 10/6d . to a maximum of £1 1s. Od . and forfeit 2 points from points ga ined°. The offending player shall also be fin ed a minimum of 10/6d. ' 12. TRANSFER OF PLAYERS . No affiliated League Club, eith er through its Officials or any person o r soc iety inte rested in the Club, shall approach during t he current p laying season, any player or any other affiliated League Club fo r the purpose of securing his services at any time without fi rst giving seve n davs ' notice of t heir intention to negotiate. This notice must be given to the Secretarv of the Player's Club in writing and by reg istered post. No player shall negoti ate with any other Leag ue C'ub unless he ca n produce in writing an officia l perm ission from his oresent Club. Such permission sha ll not be withheld unless t he p laver has failed to fulfil all financia l obligations to his Club. The p layer shall have the right to app ea l to t he Committee if permission is withheld without just cause. Transfer Fee 2/- is payable to the League Secretary at time of transfer. 13. METHOD OF SCORIN'G POINTS . All Saturday Division games shall be allowed four po ints for an o ut right wi n. Two points to be awarded for a ti e. In a drawn game the team scoring the highest number of runs shall be award ed three poinrts and their opponents awa rd ed one point. All aba ndoned and matches cance ll ed through weather shall count as a tie . In al l other divisions two points shall be allowed for a win, one point for a tie or draw. Abandoned and matches cancelled t hrough weather shall co unt as a draw. 30