Lincolnshire County Cricket League and Grimsby and District Cricket League Guide 1969

match has been cancelled but the Umpires have not been informed of such cance'llation and t hey report to the ground to officiate at the match, the Ump ire shall be paid 7/ 6d ., plus any expenses incurred . 21. UMPIRES UNABLE TO TAKE APPOINTMENTS . Should any Umpire be unable to take any appointments, he must notify the Hon Secretc:ry of the Umpires' Association who will arrange a substitute from the League's list of officia l Ump ires. 22. UMPIRES' ASSOCIATION . Th e Umpires ' Association shall be an integral part of the League and subject to its rules and requ irements. 23. COMPLAINTS . In the event of any comp laint being made against a · Club, the Hon. Secretary should acquaint the offending Club of the exact nature of th e complaint at least seven days before the League Meeting at wh ich such complaint should come up for cons·ideratio n. A Club shall not be called upon to answer any complaint at a League Meeting unless it has received seven days' notice as above. The complaint must be made in writing and accompanied by a Fee of 10/6d. The Fee wi ll be forfeitF.d if the Committee consider th e complaint or appea l frivolous and refunded if considered reasonable. Shou ld the complaint be proved the offending Club sha ll be dealt with as the Committee may direct. 24. ,FINANCIAL DEFAULTERS . No playe r who has not fulfi ll ed his financial obligations to his Club in this Leag ue sha ll be allowed to play for another Club in the League. 25. RELEGATION and PROMOTION . The winning team of the 2nd Division and such lower Divisions may app ly for promotion to the next !iighest Divis ion subject to its ground appoinrnents being of sufficient stp_ndard and' if the promotion is approved by the League in GenerJI Meeting, bottom Club of the next highest Division will be relegated but in no .instance shall this rule operate so as to allow any one Club to fi eld - two teams in the same Division . ·In the evem of two or more teams having equal number of po'nts at end of season, for promotion and re legation purposes, a p lay-off shall be aranged by t he Leag ue Secretary to decide who shall_ be promoted or relegated. 26. RULES GOVERN'IN'G PLAY. A ll games to be governed by the Gen– era l Rules of the M .C.C . except where certain rules are not adopted,. Universal Carpet Fitters * FREE! t " SUPER CUSH FOAM UNDERLAY * FREE! FITTING BY EXPERTS * FREE! ESTIMATES * SPECIALISTS IN FITTED CARPETS Distance no object 49 NEWMARKET STREET, GRIMSBY Telephone 3730 EVENING HUMBERSTON 26 17 32