Lincolnshire County Cricket League and Grimsby and District Cricket League Guide 1969

GRIMSBY & DISTRICT CRICKET LEAGUE DIVISION 1 FIXTURES 1969 May 3 Sat. Cromwell V Corinthians Barretts E'lsham V East Halton Louth V South Ke lsey Caistor V RAF North Cotes May 10 Sat. Scatter V Ca istor Crusaders V Eisham Titans East Halton V Cromwell Corinthians V South Kelsey Barretts RAF North Cotes V Louth May 17 Sat. Cromwell V South Kelsey Barretts Elsham V RAF North Cotes Louth V Scatter Corinthians V Caistor Bmretts Crusaders V East Halton Titans May 24 Sat. Ca is tor V Louth South Kelsey V East Ha lton Scotter V E'sham RAF North Cotes V Corinthians Cromwell V Crusaders Barretts May 26 (B'ank Holiday) South Kelsey V Louth Cromwell V Ca istor Barretts Corinth ians V East Halton Barretts RAF North Cotes V Crusaders May 31 Sat. Crusaders V South Kelsey Titans Cromwell V El1st Ha Iton Barretts Scatter V Corinthians Louth V Caistor RAF North Cotes V Eis ham June 7 Sat. Caistor V South Ke lsey Crusaders V RAF North Cotes Titans Corinthians V Louth Barretts East Halton V Scatter Eisham V Cromwell June 8 Sun . South Kelsey V Cromwell June 14 Sat. Elsham V Ca istor RA,F North Cotes V Scatter Corinthians V Crusaders Barretts Crom.well V Louth Barretts June 21 Sat. Caistor V Eis ham Crusaders V Scotter Titans East Halton V RAF North Cotes South Kels ey V Corinthians Louth V Cromwell June 22 Sun. Scotter V South Kelsey June 28 Sat. Crusaders V Ca is tor Titans Corinthians V Scotter Barretts Louth V East Halton Cromwell V Elsham Barretts RAF North Cotes V South Kelsey 34