Lincolnshire County Cricket League and Grimsby and District Cricket League Guide 1969

It is to these players that I direct my message. Why not bEcome an umpire and retain the pleasure that this great game oHers? The number of competitive games is increasing, but unfortunately the men in the middl e are unable to keep pace with such progress owing to numerical insufficiency. To the players and clubs I request for greater co-operation. Late starts, long tea inte rvals, not crossing on the field, talking b~h 'nd the wicket when the batsman is concentrating, all tend to bring into the game an unwanted antagonism which is not appreciated by players or umpires who wish to see a fair conclusion of the game. To the retiring officials of the Lincoln shire County Cricket League may I say thank you for a job well done. Your co-operation and efficiency has been most appreciated. To all umpires may I say thank you for your efforts and co-on::1.-n:ifon . To the players may I say thank you for your sportsmansh:p and courtesy to our umpires. Let us hope that Lincolnshire Cricket continues to progress in 1S6J. B. H. WOODEND. UMPIRES PLEASE ! . My plea for new umpires is an annual one of course, but it is not entirely a voic e "crying" in the wilderness for in our 1968 list there w ~re quite a few names introduced' and once in they seld'Om give up. -Though I say it perhaps "as shou ld not" I think the Grimsby and District umpires· would take a lot of beating anywhere in the country. Perhaps at odd times one or another of us misses that vital sn:ck in the last over of a desperate finish, possibly the result of age and infirm ity ? So, therefore, let us have some younger men coming forward-some perhaps who are just finding the playing of the game too strenuous. They will regret it and for those to whom it is a cons ideration the fees this season are raised to 15/ - all round. All you need to do is to co ntact Mr. Barron. COLIN STAINSBY, Chairman Grimsby & D 1 ist. Cricket League Umpires ' Association LINCOLNSHIRE LEAGUE UMPIRES' ASSOCIATION President Vic e-Presidents Chairman Vic e-Chairman Secretary Assistant Secretary Treasurer Aud'itor General Committee E. R. Frisby (Grimsby) C, Kennedy and C. Stainsby (Grimsby) and E. Lindley (Epworth) G. A. Cole ( Lincoln) B. H. Woodend (Scunthorpe) E. Barron (Grimsby) C. Stamp (Healing) S. Croft (Lincoln) L. Dixon (Lincoln) The above Officers plus R. Atton (Brigg) and H. E. Pask (Grimsby) 36