Lincolnshire County Cricket League and Grimsby and District Cricket League Guide 1969

F. Barton, 75 Ferry Road, Scunthorpe. J . Benn ett, 35 Plumtree Way, Scu nthorp e. E. Brown, 11 5 Buckingham Av enue, Scunthorpe. B. Chi lds, 4 M armion Road, Scunthorpe . C. Cl arvis, 19 Atlas Ro ad, Scunthorpe. R. Elsham, 15 Ogilvy Driv e, Scunthorpe. ·c. Ferraby, 3 Oak Road, Scunthorpe. E. E. Green, 81 Ferry Ro ad, Scunthorpe. Tel. 32(5 Tel. 4017 J. E. Harriso n, 38 Stanley .Road, Scunthorpe. Tel. 3451 ext 3 (work) H. Johnson, 28 Halgarth Aven-ue, Scunthorpe. Tel. 2758 E. Londl ey, 22 Mowbray Street, Epworth, nr Doncaster. Tel. Epworth 277 A. S. Lo ngtho rn , 17 Cliff Gardens, Scunt horpe. Tel. 5383 ext 52 ( day) H. Nevi lle, 56 Bushfield Road, Scunthorpe . H. Oliver, 'Daffodi ls', W est End, Epworth, nr Doncaster. Tel. Epworth 375 L. L. Panton, 23 Horn sby Crescent, Scunthorpe . R. Pettitt, 4 Raymo nd Road, Scunthorpe. B. Powell , 1 Newlands Avenue, Scunthorpe. J ._Ridgl ey, 16 Chestnut W ay, Scunthorpe. L. Strong , 17 New lands W alk, Scunthorpe. J . Thompso n, 7 -Neath Road , Scunthorpe. G. Toyne, 65 Francis Street, Scunthorpe. A. Warriner, c / o 'Daffodils', West End, Epworth. L. W attam, Hig h Street, Broughton. A. Willey, 138 Church Lane, Sc unthorp e. B·. H. Woodend, 85 K ing Edward Street, Scunthorpe. Tel. 5720 Tel. 61367 This handbook has been Pr inted and Published by :- KENART PRESS LIMITED 5 Battye Street, Dewsbury, Yorkshire Telephone Dewsbury 2479 General Printers Pub lishers Advertis ing 40