Lincolnshire County Cricket League and Grimsby and District Cricket League Guide 1969

MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN Lincolnshire County Cricket League A s your League representative on the North Lindsey Sports Advisory Council, I am pleased to report some progress towards pro– vid ing add itional indoor cricket facilities for Scun·t horpe and the surround– ing area. The long term plan to provide a sports comp lex with a sports hall as its nucleus is unfortunately still very much in the long term. However, because of the enlightened view of o ur local council pursuing a policy of joint usage with Education, a sports hall should be in operation next year at the High Ridge Comprehens ive School. This, together with the existing sports hall at the John Leggott Sixth Form College, should at least provid e some badly needed extra facilities especially in view of the recent league expansion. Further expansion in both divisions of t he league seems likely next yea r if enquiries from clubs in the south of t he county materialise into firm applications. To stimulate interest in the south further, we have arranged the League's fi xture against the Inte rnational Cavaliers at Boston, on Sunday, 17th August; proceeds to go to the Cheshire Homes. \N ith the retirement of M essrs. Frisby and Barron comes an end of an era, but it is not good-bye to those two stalwarts who have done so much in the service of the game; we shall have the benefit of their w isdom in their new roles as Life Honorary Vice-Presidents of the League. With the support of our new officials Messrs. Woodend (secretary) , Bee (treasurer) and Lowe (fixture secretary) and the help of the new vice-chairmen Messrs. Parker and Mercer, I look forward to the task of improving the standard of our league to a level which befits our successful representative eleven. BARRY BASSINDALE Chairma n. Eric C. Burton & Sons Ltd. SELF DRIVE HIRE SPECIALISTS STATION GARAGE, GRIMSBY Telephone 55951-3 Morris Wolseley Riley M.G. Sales & Service 3