Lincolnshire County Cricket League and Grimsby and District Cricket League Guide 1969

LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET LEAGUF 1. NAME The League shall be known as "The Lincolnshire County Cricket League." 2. OFFICIALS The Officers shall cons ist of a President, Chairman. Vice Chairman, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Fixture Secretary. These shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. 3. COMMITTEE The Committee to transact the business of the League sha ll consist of the Officers of the League together with one representative from each Club constituting the League whose nomination sha ll be forwarded by each Club to the League Secretary prior to the Annual General Meeting for con– firmation at that meeting. In the event of the nominated repre– sentative not being available a deputy may be appointed. Six representatives shall form a quorum. 4. COMMITTEE MEETINGS The Committee sha ll meet at any time as the business of the League may require. Seven days' notice of all meetings shall be sent by post to all Officers and Ciub Representatives 5. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting shal l be held as soon as possible after the 30th September each year. The business sha ll be to elect Officers, Auditors, to confirm the nomination of Committee Representatives by the Clubs, to receive a report and balance sheet, to consider any other prnposals affecting the League of which d;ue and proper notice has been given . 6. MEMBERSHIP Clubs des iring admission to the League must app ly to the Secretary before 30th September. An Entrance Fee of One Guinea must be enclos ed and app licants will be con– sidered at the Annual General Meeting. No Club sha ll be ad 1 mitted to membership unless its ground, dressing accommodation and appointments are of a satisfactory standard, and have been certified by the Committee. Any Club in membership of the League whose ground, dressing accommod<ation and appo intments are allowed to deteriorate shal l be subject to an inspection by the Committee. The Committee sha ll be empowered to consider the matter and request the Club concerned to carry out suc h remed 'al measures as appear necessary. In the event of no satisfactory improvement being mad'e the matter shall be reported tn th e Annual General Meeting. 7. SUBSCRIPTIONS The Annual Subscription shall be Three Guineas and shall be paid seven days before the Annua-I General Meet– ing. For Division 2 sha ll be Three Guineas for the first vear and Two Guineas for each subsequent year. 8. VOTING Officials and each Club Representative shall have one vote only, the Chairman shall have a casting vote. 9. ARRANGEMENT OF FIXTURES Fixtures to be made by a sub– committee comprising of the Fixtures Secretary, General Secre– tary and Treasurer, and discussed at a Committee Me<,ting held before the 31 st December. The Fixtures are to be publish , d by the 31 st December each year. 7