Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1970

LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET LEAGUE PERSONALITIES Personality No. 5 ALEC SHORTER Alec Shorter would scoff at the suggestion that. he is Lincolnshi,·e cricket's lucky masl:ot. . Others might not 'be so sure after the past few seasons dtJring which success has become his loyal companion. For Alec, who has been first team sco.rer with Clee– thorpes since 1959, has totted up three Championship success– es in as many years for the se'aside club-and has also been a faithfu l witness to the vittories of the Rothman Cup side, for which he is officia l scorer. He confesses to "indifferent" talent during his own cricket-playing days, having exhausted his batting aspirations with a Grimsby and District Teachers ' XI between 1950-53. But Alec's subsequent decision to stop playing gave to Cleethorpes and Lincolnshire League cricket a most able