Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1970

official, investing his love of the game in "backroom" work . Between 1954 and 1959 he umpired regularly for Cleetho.rpes, who at that time played friendly fixtures, and in addition to being the Club's First Team scorer he has been its fixture secretary for the last three years . Of the Lincolnshire League Xl's performances in the Rothman Cup Alec rates two at Birmingham- the Final three years ago and last season's first round tie, which produced a finely judged victory-as the best of them all. Cleethorpes and the League's representative side have to share Alec's support with Nottinghamshire CCC, of which he is a member and a lifelong supporter, having been resident in that County as a child . His latest piece of statistical accumulation should bring a nostalgic gleam to the eye of Lincolnshire League Vice– President, Norman Maslin. For Alec has gathered together the playing records of Cleethorpes First XI since 1939- earlier details are believed to have been destroyed- and Norman Maslin 's performances were "outstanding with both bat and ball" says the man whose own association with success has become a League talking point.