Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1971
cerning new applications for ,the following season no later than 18th August in the current season. No clubs shall be admitted ,to membership unless its ground, dressing ,accommodation and appointments are of a satisfactory standard and have been certified by the Committee. r-, Any club in membership of -the League v. Jlil ground, dressing accommodation and appointments are allowed to deteriorate shall be subject to an inspection by the Committee. The CommiHee shal l be empowered to consider the matter and measures as appear necessary. In the event of no satisfactory im– provement being made, the matter shall be reported to the Annual General Meeting. 7. Subscriptions The Annual Subscription shall <be £5 for ~he Premier Division, £4 .for Division One and £3 for other divisions and shall -be paid seven days before the Annual Gener,al Meeting. 8. Voting Officials and each club representative shall have one vote only, the Chairman shal l have the casting vote. Vice Presidents have a vote at the Annual General Meeting only. 9. Arrangement of Fixtures Fixtures to be made by a sub-committee comprrsrng of Fixtures !Secretary, General Secretary and Treasurer. The fixtures 10 be published ,by 31 st December each year and subsequently in the •League Handbook. 10. Players Clubs must register with the 1Hon. Secretary all -··w– ing members each year before 15th April. Addi.._. ,al registrations can be effected, applications to be for– warded to the Hon. Secretary, stamped addressed envelope enclosed. Any club ,playing unregir ,d players shall be fined £1 and shall forfeit any ~ .,ts gained. 11 . Transfer of Players To ·affi liated ,League Club either through its Officials or ·any person or society interested in the club shal l
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