Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1971
approach during the current playing season any player of any other Affiliated ·League Club for the purposes of securing his services at ,any time without first giving seven days notice of their intention to negotiate. This notice must be given to the Secretary of the pIr",•s Club concerned in writing and by registered po~. ,-Jo player shal l negotiate with any other ,League- club unless he can produce an official permission from his present club. Such permission shall not be with-held unless the player has failed to fulfil all his financial obligations to his club. The ,player shall have the right to appeal to ~he Committee if permission is with-held without just cause. Transfer forms are available from the ,League Secret– ary and ,a fee of 1Op is payable ,by the player to the League Secretary. 12. Method of Scoring Points Ten points for an outright win. Seven points for 1he side batting first in a dr,awn game, four points for a side batting second in a drawn game if they score seventy-five per cent or more of their opponent's total , i.e. a good losing draw. One ,point if the side batting second in a drawn game do not score seventy-five per cent of their opponent's total, i.e. a poor losing draw, 0 points f or defeat. .five points for each side ·in the event of a tie. No points shal l be al lowed for any match which cannot be played or completed due to adverse weather conditions and the League Championships shall be decided on a percentage basis calculated on the num– ber of completed matches. .Personal performancP in any uncompleted match shall still count in pi, s' averages. 13, Cancellation of Matches No match shall be cancelled through weather ~ -.,_re 11 a.m, on the day of the match unless authoI . is obtained from the League Secretary, This rule will be stringently adhered to. 14, Hours and Conditions of Play PunctuaHty is absolutely essential. Games shall be of 100, 90, 80 or 70 six ball overs duration, to be
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