Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1971

the ball before crossing the boundary, the ball is still 'in play'." 5 Law 38-Hit wicket 6 The following Experimental ,Law shall apply: " The striker is out 'Hit wicket' if he hits down his wicket, with his bat or any ,part of his person, in the following circumstances.- (·i) At any time when playing at the ball (-ii) In setting off for his first run immediately after playing at ·the ball." NOTES "When playing at the ball" shall include a second strike by the batsman to keep the ball out of his wicket. 2 Any par-t of the batsman's dress will be con– sidered part of his person. 3 A batsman ·is 'Not out' if he breaks his wicket in avoiding •being run out or stumped. Law 39-L.B.W. The fol lowing Experimental Law 39---L.B.W. shall apply for 1971 : " The striker is out 'LB.W.' if, with any part of his person except his hand, he intercepts a ball which has not first touched his bat or his hand and which, in the opinion of the Umpire, would have hit ,the wicket .PROVIDED that either:- (a) the ball .pitched or would have pitched in a straight line between wicket and wicket, or ( b) the ball pitched or would have pitched out- ) side the batsman's off-stump and in the opinion of the Umpire he made no genuine attempt play the ball with his bat.'' t is recommended that the following notes ·to _aw 39 be introduced:- ( i) "In the event of the ball hitting the striker's person full toss, Umpires shall interpret the point of impact as ·being the line of the pitch o/ the ball, i.e. if the point .of first impact is outside the line of the leg-stump, the ball shall