Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1971

be considered to be pitching outside the leg– st ump." (ii) "T'he word 'hand' used in this law, shall be interpreted as the hand holding the bat." 7 Law 46, ·Note 4 (iii)-lnterference with the bal', The following Experimental Note 4 (iii) to La\. ,6 shall apply: " (a) No one, other than the bowler, may polish the ball. (b) llaw 46, Note 4 (iii) is experimentally amended by the word "OILS" be ing inserted after the words 'resin , wax' . (c) No one ( including the bowler) shal l rub the ball on the ,pitch or ground , or take any other action save as ,permitted in section (a) of this rule, to alter ·the condition of the ball." 8 Law 46, -Note (v)-Damaging the pitch The attention of rUmpires is particularly drawn to Note 4 (-v) ,to Law 46; and purely as a guide, it is suggested tha,t the 'danger area' is an area con– tained by an imaginary line 4 ft. from the popping crease and parallel to it, and within two imaginary and parallel lines drawn down the pitch from po ints 1 f<t. on either side of the middle stump and and 4 ft. from the popping crease. In the event of a bowler contravening law 46, Note (v), the Umpire will: " (a) In the first instance, caution the bowler. (b) If this caution is ineffective, inform the Cap- tain of the fielding side, and the er Umpire of what has occurred. (c) ,Should the above prove ineffective, the Um– pire at the bowler's end must:- ( i) At the first repetition call 'Dead '------,111' when the over is regarded as comp, _.cld. (ii) IDirect t he Captain of the fielding side to ,take the bowler off forthwith . The Cap– tain shall take ,the bowler off as directed . (iii) Report the occurrence to the Captain of the batting side as soon as an interval of