Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1971

play takes .place. A oowler who has been ',taken off' -as above may not bowl again -in •the same innings." 9 Law 46, Note 4 (vi}---'Falr and unfair play /'\ Umpires are reminded that any waste of time Jn– stitutes uni-air play. In ithe event ,of a •bowler taking unnecessarily long to bowl an over, the Umpire at the bowler's end, af.ter consultation -with the other Umpire, shall t,ake the following action.- " (i) Caution the bowler and inform -the Captain of the fielding s ide that he has done so. (·ii) !Should this caution prove ineffective:- (a) Oirect the Captain of ~he fielding side to take the ·bowler off at the end of the over ·in progress. The Captain shall take the bowler off ,as directed. (>b) Report the occurrence to the Captain of the batting side as soon as an interval of play takes ,place. A <bowler who has been 'taken off' as above may not bowl again during ithe same ·innings." 1O The length of a bowler's run-up It was agreed by the International Cricket Con– ference that all Boards should take ·the necessary action ,to educate the younger generation in limit– ing the run-up to not more than about 20 yards. 11 Trial run-up The following Playing Condition has been -adopted by the T.C.C.B. ·in 1 First-Class Cricket anci ~ " ill apply as an experiment in all grades of cric, " No bowler shall have ·a ·1rial run-up after 'Play' has been called in -any session, except at the fall of a wicket, .when. ar:i .. Umpire, may allow. ~1·-.., a .triaf 'run-up' if he is satisfied that it will not . se any waste·.of time." ·