Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1971

Group and in the County's cricket circle in that order. Indeed, with respect to the other three, probably no-one has contribtJted more to the liftir--..of the game to its present high standard in Lim.,..,1n– shire than the popular red-haired Welshman. That he is still here, and still helping to influence those standards to great effect, · is a source of comfort not only to his club side, but to the Lincolnshire League representative team and the Lincolnshire County side in the Minor Count– ies Championship. He came to Lincolnshire fo llowing a spell of four years in first class cricket with Glamor.gan, during which he gathered more than two hund– red wickets and a lot of respect for his out– standing talents. His was a vital role in Ross Group's winning of the Lec1gue Championship last year. Geoff Plaskitt, in fact won the bowling award, but commenting on the season said: " I owe at least half of the trophy to Brian. I have played with him at County, Rothman Cup and Club level and his influence on my own game has been _tre– mnedous. I think every player in the L1 ue has the utmost respect for his abilities, and I have benefitted at first hand from bowling at the opposite end to him". Brian's record is testimony to his talents. The record of the Lincolnshire side, the Lincolnshire League X I and Ross Group is some reflection of the contribution he ha!, made in his adopted county.