Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1971
,· LEAGUE OFFICIALS LINCOLNSHIRE COUt'.IIT¥ CRICK-ET LEAGUE .{· · Established 1964 Lr ue· Cricke? : Conference Rothman Trophy "'{inners 1967, 1968 and 1970 .President: N. Maslin, >Esq., J.P., Cleethorpes Ute ,Honorary Vice-Presidents: E. Barron -and E. R. Frisby, Grimsby Mrs. G. -Marshall, Grimsby Vice-Presidents: Mrs. H . W. Wilson, Cleethorpes; J . A. Butt, P. Carsberg and G. R. Smith, Grimsby; H. W. Bale, ·Louth; F. S. Wildmore and J . 'R. Speed, Lincoln; W. Archer and D. Sharpe, Scunthorpe; H. Norris, Beaconsfield; H. J . Smith, Grimsby; D. 'Lilley, Hykeham; C. Stainsby, Grimsby Chairman: B. Bassindale, " Penkalen", Queen Street, Kirton Lindsey Telephone Kirton Lindsey 477 Vice-Chairman: N. Parker, 26 Hunt ·Lea Avenue, -Lincoln ,Hon. Auditor. G. S . Thompson, Grimsby tlife Member: F. Mercer, Ross Group ) rHon. Treasurer: D. Bee, The Gables, 2 Manor Drive, Scawby, Nr. Brigg Telephone Scawby 651 ) Hon. Secretary: B. H. Woodend, 85 King •Edward Street, Scunthorpe Telephone ,scunthorpe 61367 Hon. ·Fixture Secretary: P. W. ,Lowe, 36 Cornwall :Road, Ashby, ,scunthorpe Telephone 3396 (office hours)
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