Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1971

places in the team will have benefited from the exploits of the side which made ,no apology for being in 1he competition but 1ook on the big names of League cricket-and beat them hollow. Last season 1he Lincolnshire League travelled as as Barrow-in-Furness to meet the North Lancashire League, entef1ained Derbyshire and Cheshire League and North Staffs. -and South Cheshire League -and then journeyed again 10 regain the trophy against Birming– ham at Mitchell and Butlers beautiful ground where four years ago we seized -it for the first time. There were some ,fine performances. Some players scored more runs or took more wickets than others. But individual performances were lost in the success of a truly wonderful team. LEAGUE CRICKET CONFERENCE (ROTHMAN$) TROPHY 1971 First named League .in each match is home team. First Round-Sunday 16th May, 1971 at 1.30 p.m. ZONE 1 Match 1 Match 2 Match 3 Bye ZONE 2 Match 4 Byes ZONE 3 Northern C.L v Central Lanes. C.L Bolton & District C.A. v Ribblesdale C.L Bolton CJL. v North ,Lanes. D.C.rl. Lancashire & Cheshire C.t. Northumberland C.L. v Durham S.C.L Tyneside S.C.L. N. Yorks. & S . Durham C.L. Cumberland S .C.rl. Match 5 Birmingham D.C.L v N. Staffs & Oist. C.l. Match 6 N. Staffs. & S. Cheshire C.L v N. Warwickshire C.L