Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1971

Notes-1 Central ·Lincolnshire and Bradford Cricket .Leagues have not yet confirmed their entry into the Trophy so should they not confirm their opponents will have a walkover. 2 :Rules and Finance will be discussed at the next meeting . 3 Please nominate two first grade umpires from each League. LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET LEAGUE Rothman Trophy-Playing Record 1967-1970 1967 4 June ,High Peake League 35; Lines. L eague 39-1 , won by 9 wickets. 9 July Lines. League 187-8; Durham Senior League 164--6, won by 23 runs. S.-F. 23 July Bolton ·Cricket Asso ciation 102; Lines. :League 104--1 , won ·by 9 wickets. Final 27 Aug. Birmingham & District ,League 146-9; •Lines. ,League 147-7, won by 3 wkts. 1968 19 May 9 June 30 June S.iF. 4 Aug . Final 25 Aug. Lines. ,League 217-6; Bolton League 105, won by 112 runs . Lines. ·League 124; Saddleworth :League 97, won by 27 ru n-s. Lines. ,League 180-6; Bassetlaw & District 1 League 129, won by 51 runs. Lines. 'League 206-9; Northern ·League 151, won by 55 runs. •Lines. League 198-8; Northumber– land & District 'League 120, won by 78 runs. 1969 18 May Birmingham & District ,League 168-9; ,Lines. ,League 172-5, won by 5 wkts. 8 June Yorkshire Council XI 149-7; Lines. 1 League 115, lost by 34 runs .