Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1971

1970 7 June 5 July S.F. 2 Aug. Final 30 Aug. -Lines. League 216-7; Derbyshire & Cheshire •League 179-5, won by 47 runs. Uncs. League 175; North Lanes. & District ,League 150, won by 25 runs. Uncs. •League 210-8; North Staffs. & Sth. Cheshire League -153, won by 57 runs. Birmingham & Dis_trict League 168; Uncs. League 172-5, won by 5 wkts. 1967 .Played 4, won 4. 1968 'Played 5, won 5. 1969 Played 2, won 1. 1970 Played 4, won 4. Highest <Score by the ,Lines. ,League 217-6 v Bolton League 19th May, 1968. Highest Score -against Uncs. League 168-9 by Bir– mingham ·& Oistrict League 18th May, 1969, and 168- 10 by -Birmingham & District ,League 30th Aug. , 1970. Lowest Score by the Uncs. ,League 115 v Yorkshire Council XI 8th June, 1969. Lowest :Score against Lines. League 35 by High Peake League 4th June, 1967. Lincolnshire League Most Huns in a Season- G. Robinson 173, Average 34.60-1968. Most .Wickets in a Season- B . Camplin 13, ·Average 10.38-1968. Highest Score in a Match- M. Maslin 78 v Bolton Cricket Association-1967. Best Bowling in a Match- •B. Camplin 5-27 v -Bolton Cricket Association-1967. Most Catches in a Season- G. Hobinson (w/k.) 11 in 1968; M. Maslin 5 in 1967. Most Catches in a Season by the Team- 29 in 1968 (5 matches). Most Catches in a Match- 8 v Birmingham & District League 1969 -and North Lanes. & District ,League 1970. ·