Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1971
NIGEL HUNT It is hardley surprising that Nigel Hunt, Hyk( ~°"m wasted no time in ma"Ing his mark in the Lincoln– shire League's First Divi– sion last season and, as a result, became the Le ague's outstanding young player of 1970. For Nigel seldom wastes time over introductions to new surroundings. In 1968 when he joined Hykeham at the age of 16, he gathered more than 700 runs in his first season. The same year he was selected, but did not perform because of bad weather, for Lincoln– shire Colts. The following season, however, he took his opportunity with the Colts by hitting more than two hundred runs for the team-with 65 against Norfolk his outstanding performance. Last year he played on five occasions for t he Lincolnshire Under 23 XI and is being clo§ely watched as a County team prospect. S ar he has opened the innings for his side at County Colts and Under 23 XI level and to do so for Lincolnshire in the Minor Counties Champion– ship would make up an unusual and enviable feat.
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