LIncolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1972

.LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET LEAGUE 1. The League shall be known as The Lincolnshire County Cricket League. 2. Officials The officers shall consist of a President, Cha,' m, Vice-Chairman, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary :,_ , re– tary, Honorary Fixtu res Secretary and Honorary Minute Secretary. T h ese shall be elected at the Annual Meeting . 3. Committee The Committee to transact the business of the League shall consist of the Officers of the League together with one representative from each club constituting the League. Twelve representatives shall form a Quorum . 4. Committee Meetings The Committee sha II meet every two months or at any time that the bus i ness of the !League may require. Seven days' notice of all meetings shall be sent by post to all Officers and Club representatives . Alternate meetings at areas S.E- of the county. Clubs not represented shall be fined 25p. 5. Annual General Meeting The Annual Genera l Meeting shall be held as soon as possible after 30th September ea ch year. The bus iness shall be to e lect Officers and Auditors. To receive a report and balance sheet, to consider any other proposals affecting the League of which due and proper notice has been given. Clubs not represented shall be fined 50 pence. 6. Membership Clubs desiring admission to the League must il:p/Sly to the Secretary befor e 31st July. An entrance fee of one pound must be enclosed and application will be considered at the Annual General Meeting . All member clubs to be advised of full details con– cern ing new applications for the following season no later than 18th Augus t in the current season. No clubs shall be adm itted to membership unless its ground, dressing ac·commodation and appointments ara of a satisfactory standard and have been certified by the Committee.