LIncolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1972

ERNEST BARRON During t he close sea son Ernie Barron became the second recipient of t h e "Service to Cricket" award, instituted by the linCelnshire-· Cricket Lovers' Society to acknowledge outsta nding contributions to the game by individuals . There can be few more .. familiar figures on the grounds of Lincolnshire Cricket t han Ernie who, at the age of 82, hopes to be still umpiring games in the Grimsby area during the current se,ison, though his wife's poor health caused him ;to resign the administrative posi – tions through which he has don·e such valuable work for the Grimsby and District and Lincolnshire Leagues. A keen cricketer himself, at one time playing for Grimsby Town C.C.. Ernie entered into cricket admin– istration in 1947, becoming secretary of the Grimsby Umpires' Association and in the same year was elected ·of the Grimsby· and District Cricket League. He went on, in this latter capacity, to com– plete 25 years· service. He is a Life Honorary Vice– President of the Lincolnshire League. Two of his happiest rnornents· in cricket have been in recent years, with the successive triumphs of the Lincolnshire League )(I in the Rothman Cup. He is one of thos·e. rare characters; a man who has surely given as much back to·the game as he derived ~ from it, and crickete r s in Lincolnshire can wish him no more than t hat he continues to enjoy his participa- tion as an · umpire. · NATIONAL CRICKET ASSOCIATION EXPERIMENTAL LAWS AND CONDITIONS 1972 It is recommended bY the N.C.A that the following Laws and Conditions . shall apply If\ all grades of cricket within its jurisdiction during 1972: 2 Law 26-No ball ( f ront foot) The Experimental La w 26 with amendments to Law 9, was ratified by the M.C.C. in May, 1971, and incorporated into t he official Laws. The following slig t,t amendment to the wording of the front foot s6 Ction of the Law, suggested by the I.C.C.. will be adopted experimentally for use in U.K . in 1972:-