LIncolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1972

IOf::! UIIIJJIIC Ol "- 11V ..,v..,."'".., • · · - ··- -...., signal 'No Ball' i f in the delivery stride no part of the bowler's f ront foot is behind the popping crease, whether grounded or raised, or if he is not satisfied " 3 Law 30, Note 1-Leg byes It is expected that the Experimental Law, as used in 1971, wi ll be adopted in the official Laws of the game. Leg byes shall be scored only if, in the opinion of the Umpire, the st ri ke r- (a) has attempted to play the ball with his bat, or (b) has tried to avoid being hit by t he ball. In the case of de flection by the striker's person, other than in (a) or (b) above, the Umpire shall call 'Dead ball' as soon as one run has been com– pleted, or the ba ll has reached the boundary and such runs shall be disallowed. The batsmen will return to their orig inal ends. 4 Law 35-Caught The Intern ational recommended the law, and therefore official Law 35. Cricket Conference have not Experimental Law being made it was decided to revert to the 5 Law 38-Hit wicket The following Experimental l aw will continue to apply:- The stri ker is out ' Hit wicket' if he hits down his wicket, with his bat or any part of his person, in the following circumstances: (i) At any t ime v vhen playing at the ball. (ii) In setting off for his first run immediately after playing at the ball. NOTES 1.-'When playing at the ball' shall include a second strike by t he batsman to keep the ball out of his wicket. 2:-Any part of the batsman's dress will be con– sidered part of his person. 3.-A batsman is 'Not out' if he breaks his w icket in avoiding being run out or stumped.