LIncolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1972

take til e bowjer off . fo_rthwith . The Captain shall take the bowler off as directed- ··( iii) ·· Report t he ·occurrence to the · Captain of the batting side as·soon as an interval of play t akes place. . . A bowler · whci' has· been ' taken· off' as above · may not bowl again in the same innings. ' . 9 Law 41f Note 4-Fair <1nd unfair play Umpires . are reminded that arw waste of time constitutes unfa ir 'play. In the event of the bowler taking u.rirJ~cessarily long to · bowl an over, the Umpir~ a~r1the bowle(s end, after consultation with the otf,er ,Umpire, shall take the fo llowing immediate action:- .· (i) {ii) Cautio11 the bo.,,._;ler· and inform the ·Captain of t~" fie lding side that he has done so. Shoulcj this caution prove ineffective:- ( a) Direct the Captain of the fielding side to , wke the . bowler off at, th.e end of the 'pver in progress. The Captain shall take thP bc-vvler off as directed. (b) R~port the occurrence .to the Captain of the batting side as soon as an interval of, play t~kes place. A bowler who has been 'taken. off' as above may not bowl again du r ing the same innings. 10 The length of a bowler's run-up It was agreed by the International Cricket Con– ference that all Boards should take the necessarv action to educate t he younger generation in limiting the run-up to· not · more that about 20 yards. 11 Law 17, Note 5-Bowler's Trial Run-up It is expected that the following experiment will be incorporated in the official Laws. No bowler shall have a trial 'run-up' after 'Play· has been ca lled in any session, except at the fall of a wicket, when an Umpire may allow such a trial 'run-up' if he i s satisfied that it ·will not cause any waste of time-