LIncolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1972

J. B. EVANS Few would dispute Brian Evans's personal con – tribution to the development of Lincolnshire Cricket. His ability and character have added much to the pleasure of those who have played either with or against him and those who have .,. watched him either with Ross, the Lincolnshire League or the Lincolnshire County side have seen a rare talent unselfishly devoted to the benefit of cricket in this area. During the 1972 season a Testimonial to Brian Evans's service to Lincolnshire cricket has been arranged under the auspices of Lincolnshire C.C.C . A special match between a Lincolnshire C.C.C. team and a Guest XI will be held at Ross Sports Club on June 18th and we hope that the hundreds of players and officials associated with the Lin– colnshire League will be generous in their support of the match and other schemes which will be arranged in association with the County's gratitude for Brian's past services.