Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1973

• COLIN STAINSBY It is a common saying among sportsmen that they would like to give as much back to their sport as they have taken out of it. Few have succeeded in fulfilling that aim to a greater extent than Colin Stainsby, who will this year complete 50 years as a member of the Grimsby Town Cricket Club as both player and administrator, · His work for the game has extended way beyond the bound of the Club, of course. He is team manager and scorer of the Lincolnshire County Cricket Club, is the Chairman of the Grimsby and District Umpires' Association and is a Committee member of the Lincolnshire Cricket Lovers' Society. While still a player with Grimsby Town C.C. - he also represented Lincolnshire C.C.C. - Colin took on the post of treasurer and has only just relinquished the position after 25 years in office. Details of the various offices he has held merely serve to illusttate his involvement with the game. Those who know him personally ·1and there are few cricketers or followers of the · game in the County who do not - are aware also of his personal warmth and an enthusiasm for cricket which has been barely affected by advancing years. He still stands most weekends as an umpire in the Lincolnshire League and in Grimsby Town friendly fixtures. The Grimsby Club has bestowed on him its highest office, of President, and the Lincolnshire Cricket Lovers' Society acknowledged the County's cricketing debt to him by naming him as this year's recipient of their "Service to Cricket Award." It is doubtful whether they will ever find anyone more deserving. 47