Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1975

come up for discussion. A Club shall not be called upon to answer any complaint at a League Meeting unless it has received seven days' notice as above. The complaint must be made in writing, and accompanied by a fee of 50 pence. The fee will be forfeited if the Committee consider the complaint to be frivolous, and refunded if considered to be reasonable. Should the complaint be upheld, the offending Club shall be dealt with as the Committee may direct. (h) Alteration of Rules Any proposed alteration to the Rules should be sent to the Secretary of the League by 31st. August, and such proposals circulated to Clubs at least fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting. (i) The Lincolnshire Leagues Umpires Association shall have official representation at the meetings of the Committee. The representatives, who shall be the Chairman and Secretary of the Umpires Association, shall not have a vote, but will be consulted on any matters arising which concern umpires. 2. MEMBERSIIlP (a) All member Oubs must notify the Fixture Secretary by 30th. September of the number of teams they intend to enter for the following season. New clubs desiring admission to the League must apply to the Secretary before 31st. July. An entrance fee of £1 must be enclosed and applications will be considered at the Annual General Meeting. No club shall be admitted to membership unless its ground, dressing accommodation and appointments are of a satisfactory standard and approved by the Committee. All Member Clubs shall be advised of full details concerning new applications for the following season no later than 18th. August in the current season. (b) Subscriptions (i) The Annual Subscription shall be decided at the A.G.M. and shall be paid within seven days of the said A.G.M. (ii) Clubs twelve months in arrears shall be liable to expulsion from the League. (iii) Any team withdrawing from the League after the A.G.M. shall be fined the Annual Subscription applicable at that time. (c) The ground and facilities of all Clubs in the League shall be of a standard approved by the Committee. Requirements shall be detailed on an official ground inspection report pro-forma and shall be adjudged by an approved Ground Inspection Committee. The Ground Inspection Committee shall comprise of two members of the Institution of Groundsmen and Green– keepers plus an Official of the League. Seven days' notice 11