Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1975
shall be given by the League Secretary to the Secretary of the Club prior to the inspection being carried out, when an Official of the Club shall be present. Ground Inspections shall be carried out every five years, or at any time as instructed by the Committee. A fee of £1 will be charged for each inspection. A copy of each Ground Inspection Report shall be forward– ed by the League Secretary to: (i) The Club concerned. (ii) The Institution of Groundsmen and Green– keepers. Any Club whose ground and facilities do not comply with the League's standards shall be reported to the Committee. 3. FIXTURES (a) Arrangement of Fixtures. Fixtures shall be made by a Sub-Committee comprising the Fixture Secretary, Secretary and Treasurer. The fixtures shall be published by 31st. December and subsequently in the League Handbook. (b) Failure to Fulfil a Fixture Any Club failing to fulfil an arranged fixture by default shall be fined £3 and warned as to its future conduct. Points for the match shall be awarded to the non– offending Club, and any expenses involved will be the responsibility of the offending club. (c) The visiting team must pay for a minimum of eleven teas. 4. PLAYERS (a) Registration A player shall be considered registered with the Club for whom he plays his first League match of the season. Regulations concerning playing for another League Club during the same season are detailed in Rule 4(b ). (b) Transfer of Players No League Club, either through its Officials, or any person or society interested in the Club, shall approach during the current playing season any player of any other League Club for the purposes of securing his services at any time without first giving seven days' notice of their intention to negotiate. This notice must be given to the Secretary of the player's Club concerned, in writing and by registered post. No player shall negotiate with any other League Club unless the player has fulfilled all his financial obligations to his Club. The player shall have the right to appeal to the Committee if permission is withheld without just cause. Transfer forms are available from the League Secretary and a fee of 10 pence is payable by the player to the League Secretary. 12
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