Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1975

RICHARD BURTON YOUNG PLAYER OF THE YEAR The justice of the award of the H. W. Bale Cup to Richard Burton will be evident to any opening batsman unfortunate enough to have faced him with the new ball during the last year. Ricky, who stands 6' 2:• and admits to weighing over 14½ stone, is in·deed a formidable adversary under any conditi_ons. The youngest of the family of cricketing Burtons, he is now as instantly recognisable and respected as brothers Alan and Keith. All three brothers are of equally impressive pro– portions, and all three play for the Normanby Park Works club. Ricky has just completed his third season in the Works 1st. XI and his steady improvement is reflected in his bowling figures. He took 10 wickets in 1972, 29 in 1973, and a handsome 52 wickets at 16.6 runs each in 1974. He played for the Works Intermediate team for five years, and represent– ed Scunthorpe in the Colts team fcom the age of 14. He has also re– presented Lincolnshire Colts on their annual tour for the last two years. Now a,g:ed 20, _al)d. as he is the first to admit. ~till learning. -the,e js no do_ub.t·that he is g~ing to giv~ !Il~ny batsmen uncomfortable moments for years tu wmc. 27 LONDON ROAD, GRANTHAM, LINCS. Telephone: 61639 A Wide Range of Cricket Equipment & clothing now in stock 39