Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1981

BRIKENDEN 108 Everest Road. Ashby, Scunthorpe. Tel: 56228/9 And at:- 17 Beechway, Lincoln Gardens, Scunthorpe. Tel: 848099 We at BRIKENDEN have a policy to buy BRITISH made products wherever possible. We Stock: RADIATORS by The Myson Group, Thorn Heating. OIL BOILERS by Worcester and Thorn. GAS BOILERS by Stelrad, Thorn. SOLID FUEL by T.I., Parkray, Rayburn, Worcester. PUMP by S.M.C., Grunfoss and Myson. TUBES & FITTINGS by Yorkshire and Wednesbury. SANITARY WARE by Ideal Standard, Twyfords, Shires. Buy the BEST Buy BRITISH Buy BRIKENDEN 46 }