Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1983

l. 5 1.6 1.7 Committee Meetings The Committee shall meet three annum, in January, April and J time that the business of the fourteen days notice of all me sent by post to all Officers a representatives. times per ly, or at any eague may require. tings shall be d Club Clubs not represented shall be fined as per Rule 9. Voting Each Officer and each Club reprEsentatlve shall have one vote only. The Chair an shall have the casting vote. Vice-Presidents shall have a v teat the AGM only. A Club in arrears by one month f r more in respect of subscriptions or_finr s at the time of the AGM shall have no voice or vote on any matter. Complaints ~nc1~:,e~~:tL:~g~ec~:~~:!:~Yb=~~f1~~;0:!a~~=t offending Club of the exact natLre of the complaint at least seven days b~fote the League Meeting at which the complaint should come up for discussion. A club hall not be called upon to answer any complaint at a League Meeting unless it has re~eived seven days' notice as above. The comp1aint must be made in writing, and accompanief by a fee as per Rule 9 . The fee will be fo felted if the Committee consider thet ·complaln to be frivolous, and refunded if they consider it to be reasonable. Should the complaint be I upheld, the offending Club shal be dealt with as the Committee may direc·. -15- · .