Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1983
6.4(a) Continued NOTE: ( ii) ( b) (c) (d) If they are still i disagreement at 5.00 p.m. the u~pires shall decide whether or not the-match will be played, beJring in mind tie rule which states~ minimum of 50 overs shall be pla ed. If the home team d ems lt advis– able to cancel a f"xture before the teams arrive aU the ground, a nominated repres~ntative from the home club shal contact a nominated represen ative of the visiting club and J eek his agree– ment to the game bJ ing cancelled. Unless mutual agreJment to cancel is obtained arrangJments for the fixture to take pl ce will continue. If the fixture is anc€lled, it may be re-arr.anged by mutual agreement of the to clubs involved~ providinl the score– sheet covering the cancelled fixture is endorse ' to be re-arranged' land the date supplied by both c i ubs to the Fixture Secretary ~ithin 7 days of the original fixtu1e. If the fixture ls ~ot be re– arranged, the scar sheet should be endorsed 'No result.' Nominated Club Representatives Each club will nominate 3 1 epresent– atives, in a priority orde~, who are contactable on the telepho ,e and these names and telephone numbers will be printed in the League Hand ook. -21-
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