Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1984

LINCOLNSIIInE COIJNTY CRICKET LEI\GUE RULES 1. ORGI\NISI\TION 1 • 1 Name The League shall be known as the Lincolnshire County Crlcket League ( hereinafter ca lled the League). 1 • 2 Offleers The Officers shall consist of a President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, Horiorary Fixture Secretary and Honorary Minute Secretary. These shall be elected at the l\nnual General Meeting. 1.3 Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meetin~ (AGM) shall be held as soon as possible after 30th September each year. The business shall be: (a) To elect Officers, Vice -Presiden~and Auditors. (b) To receive a report and balance sheet. (c) To consider any proposals affecting the League of which due and proper notice has been given. Clubs not represented shall be fined as per Rule 9. 1.4 Executive Commlt~ee The Committee responsible for transacting the business of t~e League shall be called the Executive Co~mlttee, hereinafter called the Committee, and shall consist of the Officers, together with one representative from each of the Clubs constituting the League. Twelve representatives shall form a quorum. -1'1 -