Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1984

(d) Each fielding nlde shall provldel lts own ball. It shall not be comp11l:rnr1 to provide a new ball, but the ball provided shall be leathe_r - covered and app 1 oved as flt hy the umpires, and must ~e in their possession before the flel~lng slde tatkes the field. 7. PROMOTION/RELEGATION This shall be on a two- up, two- down basis between the divisions. No team shall be eligible for promotion to higher division if their Club already has a team i that division, or a team due for relegation tot at division. No team finishing lower than third in its d"vlsion shall be granted promotion. • A first (or second) team which ls releg~ted deems that their second (or third) team shall ala , b~ relegated if the second (91' third) team is in ~ne div ~slo11 . immediately below the first (or second) tea] , regardless of the finishing position of the second (or third) team unless the second (or third) team qualifies for promotion, ln which case both teams shall r main static. Should the occasion arise where none or onl t one of the first three teams in a division can be ~romoted, then, similarly, none or only one of the tel 1 ms in the division above shall be relegated. The two bottom teams in Division 3 shall ap , ly for re-election to the League, together with an} new applicants at the time of the AGM. l The total votes cast for each club shall be made known to their respective secretaries either on tlat evening or within one week of the AGM. If a Club has a team in Division 3, and ano her team from the same Club ls relegated to Division 3, then the team already Ln Division 3 shall be removed from the League. ·-21-