Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1985

LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET LEAGU~ RULES 1. ORGANISATION. 1 . 1 Name The League s hall be known as th Lincolnshire County Cricket League (hereinaf !er called the League). 1.2 Officers The Officers shall consist of a President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honora r y Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Fi ture Secretary and Honorary Minute Secretary. These shall be elected at the Annual Genera l Meeting. 1 .3 Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held as soon as possible after 30th · eptember each year. The business shall be: (a) To elect Officers, Vice P esidents and Auditors . (b) To receive a report and b lance sheet. (c) To consider any . ~roposals affecting the League of which due and p oper notice has been given . Clubs not represented shall be fined as per Rule 9 . 1 . 4 Executive Committee The Committee responsible for transacting the business of the League shall b called the Executive Committee, hereinaft Committee, and shall consist o together with one representati the Clubs constituting the Lea representatives shal l form a q _,~_ r called the the Officers, e from each of Twelve orum .