Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1985
2. 1.8 Alteration of Rules Any proposed alterations to the Rules should be sent to the League Secretary by 31st August and such proposals circulated t Clubs at I . least fourteen days ~efore the GM . 1 .9 Umpires Representatives The Lincolnshire Association of Cricket Umpires shall have official representat on at the meetings of the Committee. The representatiNes of the Association shall not ha ea vote,but shall be consulted on any matte~s arising which concern umpires . MEMBERSHIP As from the 1981 season, the Lincolnshire County Cricket League shall con 1 ist of 4 divisions, with twelve teams in each division. 2.1 New Teams New teams desiring admission to the League must apply to the League Secretary b fore 31st July. The application shall not be co plete until the ground inspection fee (see Rule 9) has been paid. Applications shall be considered at the AGM- _No team shall be admitted to me bership unless its ground, dressing accommodat·on and appoint– ments are of a satisfacto ry sta dard and approved by the Committee. All Member Clubs shall be advised of full details concerning new applicat·ons for the following season no later than 18th August in the current season. 2.2 Subscriptions The Annual Subscription shall e decided at the AGM and shall be paid within t e seven days following the AGM. -15-
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