Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1985

26th Augus t (Bank Holida y) Scunthorpe Town Cla ytons Outcas ts Alkborough Brot.iirhton Barton Town 31 s t Augus t Normanby Park Works 1-tol ton- le- Clay Claytons Market Ras en Grimsby Town Broughton 7th Septembe r South Kelsey Outcasts Scunthorpe Town Barton Town Caistor Town Alkborough I V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V -37- Normanby P rk Works I Holton - le- pay South Kelsey Market Ras~n Grimsby Toln Caistor To n Outcasts Scunthorpe Town South Kels y Caistor To n Alkborough -Barton Tbwm Normanby P rk Works I Holton- le-Clay Claytons I Market Ras n Grimsby Ton Broughton