Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1985
Individua l Awards Cont/ . . . Bowling Premier Division Division One Divi s ion Two Division Three Wicket - Keeping Premier Di vision Division One Division Two Di v ision Three A. W. Butt Trophy Norman Maslin Cup Jack Gott Trophy Sta r Award Arthur Cripps Cup A.H . Norris Cup League Trophy L.C.C . L. Trophy Most Improved ·Player Under 21 H.W. Bale Trophy fielde r of the Year A.H. Lill e y Trophy Sec r e t a ry of t he Year League Secretary's Trophy I. Dawson S . Banyard A. Walker Best Pe rformance in any one Match Arnold-fowl e r Trophy R. Garner - 51.J - A. Ni cholson (Ha rts holme ) T. Hus sain (Nu form) C. Gore (Cais tor) R. Green (Be lton) R. Dale (N.P . Works ) K. Wes t (Louth) I . Armiger (App- Frodingham) A. Burnett (Rustons) (Mess ingha m) (Southcliffe) (St . John' s ) (Sa xilby)
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