Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1987
LINCOLNSHIRE MINOR COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP FIXTURES FOR 1987 May 24/ 25th June 7/8th June 30th/July 1st July 5/6th July 12/13th July 19/ 20th August 5/6th August 9/lOth August 16/17th May 31st June 14th May 28th June 3rd June 5th June 16th July 16th J uly 27th August 3rd August 18th Hertfordshire Durham Staffordshire Norfolk Northumberland Suffolk Cambridgeshire Bedfordshire Cumberland K.O. MATCHES Sl eaford Bourne Knypersley Burghley Park Jesmond Grimsby Town Fenners Bedford Lincoln Durham Scunthorpe Northumberland Market Rasen (if Lincolnshire win against Durham) 'A' TEAM FIXTURES RAF Under 25's Norfolk Nottinghamshire Loughborough Colleges Bucking)1amshire Northants Northants Leicestershire Lincoln Empingham Away Loughborough Away Great Oakley Grantham (prov) Leicester UNDER 17 and UNDER 19 FIXTURES J,1ay 17th Bourne c.c. Bo.u:rne u 17 May 31st N0-ttinghamshire Welbeck l:J 17 June 14th No:r;thants Home u n July 3rd New- South Wales Tourists Lincoln u 19 July 12th- Leicestershire Clarendon Pk u 17 July_ 17th Grantham G.C. Grantham . u 19 July 19th Ox:r-ordshire Away-. u 19 T\lly 2'3rd Hunts. and Peterborough Burghley. Pk u 17 ' "\th Northants- Away , u 19 '1.. Nottinghamshire Grantham u 17 - 102- - l r r r r l l l l
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