Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1987
1.7 Voting (continued) A club in arrears by one month or more in respect of subscriptions or fines at the time of the AGM shall have no voice or vote on any matter. 1.8 Complaints 1.9 1.10 In the event of a complaint being made against a club, the League Secretary shall inform the offending club of the exact nature of the complaint at least 7 days before the League Meeting at which the complaint should come up for discussion. A club shall not be called upon to answer any complaint at a League Meeting unless it has received 7 days notice as above. The complaint must be made in writing, and accompanied by a fee as per Rule 8. The· fee will be foreited if the Gommittee consider the complaint to be frivolous _and _r e funded if they consider it to be reasonable. Should the complaint be upheld, the offending club shall be dealt with as the committee may direct. Alteration to Rules Any proposed alterations to the Rules should be sent to the League Secretary by 31st August. Such proposals shall be circulated to clubs at least 14 days before the AGM. Umpires Representatives The Lincolnshire Association of Cricket Umpires shall have official representation at the meetings of the Committee. They shall not have a vote, but shall be consulted on any matters arising which concern umpires. - 18 - l l I l l l
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