Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1987
2.6 Ground Facilities (continued) They shall be judged by an approved ground Inspection Committee, who shall consist of two members of the Institution of Groundsmen and Greenkeepers plus at least one officer of the League. Each member club ground shall be inspected as decided by the Management Committee or at other times as instructed by the Committee. A fee, as per Rule 8, shall be charged for each inspection and a copy forwarded to the club concerned. An officer of the club shall be present at the inspection and at least 7 days notice of inspection shall be given. 2 . 7 Ground and Facilities Marking The following marking system shall be adopted :- There shall be 4 sections titles:- wicket, outfield, equipment and facilities. Each section shall have 5 items marked on a scale of Oto 20, i. e. 100 marks maximum per section. Section 1 - Wicket Levelness; condition of grass; drainage; top surface; freedom from weeds. Section 2 - Outfield Levelness; condition of grass; drainage; top surface; freedom from weeds. - 22 - I l l l l
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