LIncolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1988

1.5 Committee Meetings 1.6 The Committee shall meet three times per annum, in January, April and July, or at any time that the business of the League may require. Fourteen days notice of all meetings shall be sent by post to all officers and club representatives. Clubs not represented shall be fined as per Rule 8. Management Committee The Management Committee shall consist of the officers, as elected at the AGM, excluding the President. Their powers shall be to meet, as necessary, to discuss and put proposals, on matters affecting the League, to the Committee. Also take actions as defined elsewhere in these Rules. 1.7 Voting Each officer and each club representative shall have one vote only. The Chairman shall have the casting vote. Vice- Presidents shall have a vote at the AGM only. A simple majority shall decide all voting at the AGM and Committee Meetings. A club in arrears by one month or more in respect of subscriptions or fines at the time of the AGM shall have no voice or vote on any matter. 1.8 Complaints In the event of a complaint being made against a club, the League Secretary shall inform the offending club of the exact nature of the complaint at least 7 days before the League Meeting at which the complaint should come up for discussion. A club shall not be called upon to answer any complaint at a League Meeting unless it has received 7 days notice as above. - 14 -