LIncolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1988

2.6 Ground Facilities (continued) An officer of the club shall be present at the inspection and at least 7 days notice of inspection shall be given. 2.7 Ground and Facilities Marking 2.8 2.9 The following marking system shall be adopted:- There shall be 4 sections titles:- wicket, outfield, equipment and facilities. Each section shall have 5 items marked on a scale of Oto 20 , i.e. 100 marks maximum per section. Section 1 - Wicket Levelness; condition of grass; drainage; top surface; freedom from weeds . Section 2 - Outfield Levelness; condition of grass; drainage; top surface; freedom from weeds . Section 3 - Equipment Rollers and mowers; watering facilities; covers; scorebox; sightscreens . Section 4 - Facilities Washing and toilets; changing facilities; eating; seating ; parking and access. Premier Division Requirements For a club to gain admission to the Premier Division, it must have the following:- i Two sightscreens ii Ability to protect a pitch - covers and/or tarpaulins. iii Have some bath or shower facilities. iv Obtain a minimum of 80 marks out of 100 in each of the four sections as detailed in Rule 2.7 . Division Three Requirements i Obtain a minimum of 70 marks out of 100 in Sections 1 and 2 and 50 marks out of 100 in Sections 3 and 4 as detailed in rule 2.7. ii However, the Ground Inspection Committee will take into account any special circumstances or problems that may cause a shortfall in the mark i ngs and advise the Executive Committee accordingl y. - 18 -