LIncolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1988

6.4 Cancelled Games (continued) 6.5 Each club will nominate 3 representatives in a priority order, who are contactable on the telephone, and these names and telephone numbers will be printed in the handbook. No cancelled fixtures shall be re-arranged. The scoresheet should be sent to the Fixture Secretary stating 'No Result'. Start Delayed Due to Bad Weather The captains can mutually agree to cancel a fixture if they are both on the ground, but in any case, no match shall start any later than 3 hours after the original start time . If the start of play is delayed for less than 30 minutes, then the full 90 over match shall be played. If the start of play is delayed for 30 minutes or more, then overs shall be deducted from the total for the match according to the following table: - Start time 0 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 delay (mins ) Overs to be Played to 29 to 44 to 59 to 74 to 89 to 104 to 119 to 134 to 149 to 164 to 179 90 86 82 78 74 70 66 62 58 54 minimum match length 50 6.6 Match Interrupted by the Weather Should one or more interruptions occur, due to the weather or bad light, totalling less than 30 minutes then the full match shall be played (i.e. the original number of overs as from start of play). If the interruptions total 30 minutes or more, then play shall cease five hours plus one hour or 20 overs, whichever is the longer, after the scheduled time of starting, (or at the end of the permitted overs, whichever is the sooner ) but the innings of the first batting side shall not exceed half the permitted overs.