Lincolnshire County Cricket League Handbook 1989

for relegation to that division. No team finishing lowe r than third in its division shall be granted promotion. A first team which is relegated deems that their second team shall also be relegated if the second team is in the division immediately below the f irst team, regardless of the finishing position of the second team, unless the second team qualifies for promotion, in which case both teams shall remain static. Should the occasion arise where none or only one of the first three teams in a division can be promoted, then, similarly, none or only one of the teams in the division above shall be relegated. The two bottom teams in Divisi on 3 shall apply fer re-election to the League, together with any new applicants at the time of the A.G.M. The total votes cast for each club shall be made known at the A .G.M . If a club has a team in Division 3 and another team from the same club is relegated to Division 3, then the team already in Division 3 shall be removed from the Leag ue. Should there be a tie between clubs for promotion or relegation, the situation shall be decided by: (a) The team with most wins . (b) If this is equal, the team with most winning draws. (c) Any situation not covered by these arrangements shall be decided by the Management Committee. 2 .6 Ground Facilities The ground and facilities of all clubs in the League shall be of an approved standard. They shall be judged by an experienced groundsman plus at least one officer of the League or the ir nominee. Ea ch member club ground shall be inspected as decided by the Management Committee or at other times as instructed by the Committee . A fee, as per Rule 8, shall be charged for each inspection and a copy forwarded to the club concerned . An officer of the club shall be present at the inspection and at least seven days' notice of inspection shall be given. 2.7 Ground and Facilities Marking Th e following marking system shall be adopted: There shall be four section titles: wicket, outfield, equipment, facilities. Each section shall have five items marked on a scale of Oto 20, i.e. 100 marks maximum per section . Section 1 - Wicket Levelness, condition of grass, drainage, top surface, freedom from weeds. Section 2 - Outfield Levelness, condition of grass, drainage, top surface, freedom from weeds. Section 3 - Equ ipment Rollers and mowers, watering facilities, covers, scorebox, sight– screens. Section 4 - Facilities Washing and toilets, changing faci lities, eating, seating, parking and access. 2.8 Premier Division - Requirements For a club to gain admission to the Premier Division it must have the following: (a) Two sightscreens. (b) Ability to protect a pitch - covers and/or tarpaulins. (c) Bath or shower facilities. (d) Obta in a minimum of 80 marks out of 100 in each of the four sections as detailed in Rule 2.7 . 2.9 Division Three - Requirements (a) Obtain a minimum of 70 marks out of 100 in Sections 1 and 2 and 50 marks out of 100 in Sections 3 and 4 as detailed in Rule 2.7. 15